'09 finds (to date)

what's this you say? only the greatest cookie monster cookie jar ever!!

okay, so its not strictly '09 but i had to put it in anyway. this is my oh-so-fabulous original 1980's malvern star bike. a present from my oh-so-fabulous boyfriend. on christmas morning (hence the jammies & bed hair).

10 speed! electric pink and green! with basket! and rubber horn! being a car-less little greenie, this is my transport of choice and i love, love, love it!

the radiogram!! i found this baby at the smith street lost + found market. it's the (current) love of my life. i've been searching for something to play my vinyl on for yonks and i when i saw this cutie i just had to have him.


so i've finally caught the blogging bug! having followed a number of vintage & op shopping blogs for some time, i've decided to start posting here with news of my finds. there'll be plenty of fashion items and accessories, along with retro and mod furniture and decor. and you can expect to see plenty of vinyl LP's.....a result of my recent radiogram purchase! speaking of which, perhaps i should get the ball rolling by posting some pics of my 2009 finds thus far.